Eto ORAL questions asked in Chennai MMD, Mumbai MMD, Kochin MMD, and Kolkata MMD
(ignore the grammar mistake)
  • 15 ppm alarm working principle
  • A/C refrigeration working and but cooling. What are the reasons for not cooling?
  • ABCDE class fires
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of High Voltage
  • Advantages of autopilot
  • AE alarms and trips?
  • Air in the reefer system, indication, and remedy?
  • AIS System?
  • Alarm circuit of navigational lights draw and explain?
  • Alarms in the engine room
  • Alarms in Soft starter
  • Amplifier using a transistor.
  • Annex 1 and ODME discharge procedure and OWS
  • Annex 6 SOX, NOX, and VOC (incinerator which annex?), what are the things can't burn in the incinerator?
  • Annex IV + cross questions
  • As an ETO how to prevent NOX and SOX
  • As ETO, what are the tools you carry?
  • At which temperature. Heat sensor gives alarm?
  • Auto firing sequence of boiler
  • Auto pilot block diagram
  • Auto start circuit of Emergency Generator
  • Autopilot and how it is works
  • AVR and its SOLAS regulation
  • Backplane Technology
  • Basics of different fire fighting mediums on deck.
  • Batteries and Difference between lead-acid and nickel-cadmium batteries.
  • Battery charging technique used on board and how you will control current in that technique?
  • Battery load tester and it's working?
  • Battery room requirements and Saturday routines for batteries.
  • Before entering enclosed space how do you know your pocket gas detector shows correct reading?
  • BJT amplifier
  • BNWAS and cross-questions like if duty officer put something on BANWAS alarm then the alarm will come or not what will happen
  • BNWAS power supply
  • BOD and COD
  • Boiler alarms and trip, how to check boiler LL and HL alarm?
  • Boiler automation
  • Boiler control and troubleshooting. Boiler not starting what's to be checked and how to adjust the air and fuel ratio.
  • Boiler flame monitor not working and what are the consequences?
  • Boiler ignition transformer voltage?
  • Boiler low pressure cut off, it is not starting, and no abnormal alarms on panel, so as an ETO what is your action?
  • Boiler Operation and alarms trips, how do you conduct tests on the boiler? DP cell operation and calibration.
  • Boiler water level DP sensor working?
  • Braking system in lifeboats.
  • Bridge equipment and cross-question regarding all the frequency and specification.
  • Bridge gives a helm of 10-degree port but rudder stops at 8 degree. What are the reasons?
  • BT motor circuit diagram reading
  • Bulk carrier- deck crane drawing reading
  • Bulk carrier regulation.
  • Bulk carrier safeties
  • Bulk carrier which chapters in SOLAS.
  • Can 60Hz transformer be operated at 50Hz?
  • Can autotransformer replace by star delta starter?
  • Can bow thruster will run if we have two generators on the bus bar with enough power?
  • Can you change the set course of autopilot
  • Can you parallel transformers?
  • Can you use high voltage on other ships apart from containers?
  • Can you vary the speed of the induction motor? How?
  • Capacity of the ship in TEU
  • Cargo hold smoke detection system-its working and maintenance-How to blow through it and how often? Alarms testing?
  • Cargo tank alarms.
  • Cascade control
  • Cathodic protection
  • CCA
  • CCP
  • Certificates for annex 6
  • Chain reaction
  • Chemicals in foam extinguisher
  • Circuit components identification
  • Circuit for float charger
  • Class of insulation and temperatures
  • CO2 85% discharge time
  • Co2 fixed fire fighting for cargo hold and how it is released and cargo hold fire detection system working step by step.
  • Co2 room electrical safeties? Apart from the trip switch, alarm, leakage pressure switch, lighting, and ventilation
  • Co2 system explains.
  • Co2 timer relay and its basic working principle
  • CO2 timer, settings and why using the timer in CO2 line
  • Compressor room safeties
  • Condition for hyper mist system activation
  • Conditions for maximum efficiency of transformer and motor and their losses
  • Container conventions?
  • Container dimensions?
  • Container fire fighting equipment and how to fight the fire.
  • Container safe convention regulation
  • Container safety in detail every point
  • Container ship 72 regulations?
  • Continuity test for motor
  • Conversion of 9VDC to 500VDC in megger
  • Covalent Bond
  • Crane simple operation i.e. hosting, Lowing, slewing and luffing etc.                   
  • Crawling of induction motor
  • Criteria for selecting a Contactor in the starter.
  • Cross questions on clamp meter and its principle.
  • Cybercrime and role of ETO in prevention
  • DC to DC converter
  • DCP and its working- it's powder name.
  • Dead handler breaker?
  • Deadweight, displacement, and GRT
  • Definition of COD
  • DG functions 3, 5, and 6.
  • Diagram of starters
  • Diameter of co2 line in the engine room and cargo hold.
  • Dielectric Absorption Ratio
  • Difference and advantage of neural earth and insulated neural
  • Difference between 1 phase motor and 3 phase motor
  • Difference between air-conditioning and refrigeration
  • Difference between auto transformer starter and soft starter
  • Difference between Diode & Zener diode.
  • Difference between Flow up and no flow up system.
  • Difference between full-wave rectifier and full-wave bridge rectifier
  • Difference between high voltage motor and low voltage motor
  • Difference between ICCP and MGPS
  • Difference between lifeboat and rescue boat.
  • Difference between main & auxiliary steering gear
  • Difference between PI and PID.
  • Difference between port state, flag state, the coastal state
  • Difference between PT100 and thermostat
  • Difference between safety and relief valve there operating pressure
  • Difference between shore and ship transformer
  • Difference between star and delta
  • Difference between star and delta connection (5 differences)
  • Difference between STCW and MLC.
  • Difference between the Thyristor and IGBT with a diagram
  • Difference between VCB & SF6
  • Difference between VDR and SVDR inputs signal
  • Different types of earthing.
  • Different between COC, COP, and STCW.
  • Different classes of garbage (surveyor wanted to hear about the new class of garbage i.e.: electrical category and when it's implemented)
  • Digital inputs
  • Disadvantage of high expansion foam on the engine room
  • Disadvantage of three dark lamp for synchronizing?
  • Do you know which type of diode used in Exi module?
  • Document of Compliance
  • Documents for annexure 2
  • DOL, Star-Delta starter, Auto transformer.
  • DP & IP
  • DP transmitter Draw and explain
  • Draw and explain AVR?   
  • Draw and explain the earth fault lamp method
  • Draw and explain intrinsic safe circuit and tell the values of fuse and max output from the Zener diodes
  • Draw and explain the reverse power trip. When it can happened and time settings.
  • Draw and explain the ultra-sonic level sensor
  • Draw Boiler steam controller circuit diagram.
  • Draw circuit diagram and explanation of the star-delta starter and why used,
  • Draw circuit diagram for boiler controller for air-fuel ratio
  • Draw circuit diagram of WIDAS
  • Draw current waveform for the same cycle if the load is resistive in the same diagram.
  • Draw diagram of international shore connection?
  • Draw ICCP and explain
  • Draw OWS and explain and what is the principle of 15 ppm monitor?
  • Draw power diagram of star-delta starter. Cross quotation?
  • Draw the circuit diagram for oscillator and amplifier
  • Draw VFD and explain it.
  • Draw the VFD characteristics graph and explain it?
  • Draw voltage sine wave form for one cycle,
  • Draw voltage waveform for one cycle.
  • Dry dock preparations
  • During compressor is off-the unloader will be on or off condition?
  • During web deflection, what safety works in turning gear?
  • Earthed neutral system advantages?
  • Echo sounder
  • Eddy current uses
  • Effect of hysteresis and iron losses in the Transformer
  • EIAPP and who issues it
  • Electrical survey document and what all things to check-in electrical survey
  • Electrical survey equipment
  • Electromagnetic brake working
  • Electronic governor parts
  • Emergency fire pump regulations
  • Emergency Generator SOLAS regulations.
  • Emergency steering gear step by step procedure
  • Enclosed space entry? Gases measured? Will you enter if O2 is 23%?
  • Engine Room bilges discharge criteria.
  • Engine room crane electro-hydraulic brake
  • EPIRB. How it is realized. Working frequency. Satellite name, whom does it inform?
  • Exd?
  • Exi?
  • Explain the gas detection system and its alarm limits.
  • Explain about the smoke detector (ionization type) name of the chemical used in that spray.
  • Explain about SSAS and BNWAS
  • Explain all types of timer?
  • Explain all types of Explosion protection?
  • Explain DP switch in the boiler
  • Explain electrical parts in the main circuit breaker.
  • Explain Explosive meter
  • Explain GMDSS, regulation for GMDSS battery and capacity test
  • Explain how the induction motor run?
  • Explain LTA - how many LTA on board and how and where you will use
  • Explain MARPOL annex 5.
  • Explain Salinometer with circuit diagram
  • Explain SOLAS chapter 1
  • Explain the Synchro scope.
  • Explain the Annual survey and how to make ready?
  • Explain the reefer electronic controls expansion v/v
  • Explain the three-point starter
  • Explain the working of the torsion meter?
  • Explain the thermal runway in an induction motor?
  • Explain viscotherm and calibration of Viscotherm
  • Explain with equations how the clamp meter reads zero in 3 phase wire
  • Explain the working principle of Salinometer
  • Extinguishers used on electrical fire?
  • Fail-safe and fail break
  • Few-bridge equipment’s
  • Fire Alarm Comes Under Which SOLAS Chapter.
  • Fire angle of LEL and HEL
  • Fire cabinet requirement
  • Fire control system
  • Fire detection and alarm SOLAS requirement
  • Fire detection system time delay
  • Fire extinguisher differences
  • Fire fighting system for the deck.
  • Fire fighting system in the galley, how will you fight a fire in the galley?
  • Fire in purifier room
  • Fire plan where it is available
  • Fire sequence of the boiler
  • Fixed fire fighting on your last vessel
  • Fixed fire fighting system foam
  • Fixed fire fighting system in the cargo space, periodical maintenance on the same,
  • Fixed fire fighting system, How to test the co2 release alarm.
  • Fixed Gas sampling unit how it works and how much is the LEL percentage.
  • Flame eye working and material
  • Flammability diagram
  • Foam fire extinguisher in details
  • Food waste process.
  • Fore Peak store entry
  • Forepeak life raft capacity and how many life rafts and locations, how it is inflated, method of release, how HRU is working.
  • Frequencies of both x and s band radar and their differences.
  • From how many places we can start the fire pump.
  • From where you can isolate the BT interlock
  • Fuel oil pump starter diagram to read with latch relay
  • Full load current in star-delta if the full load current is 25 A.
  • Full-wave and half-wave rectifier
  • Function 3 5 6.
  • Function of dead man handle
  • Galley - what type of fire, an extinguisher, what chemical using for extinguishing.
  • Galley duct fire, Why Co2?
  • Galley Electric range
  • Galley fire fighting system.
  • Galley fire fighting, for that what extinguisher you will use?
  • Galley oil fire and what is the best medium to extinguish an oil fire
  • Gas tanker safety
  • Generator not developing voltage-Unique reason
  • GMDSS batteries discharging and charging regulation
  • GMDSS battery and general service battery difference
  • Gyro frequency
  • Gyro operating voltage
  • Gyro output Voltage
  • Heat detector types and explain - in bimetallic type what metals are used.
  • Heat detector what time will active its types.
  • High expansion foam system,
  • High voltage generation
  • High Voltage IR measurements
  • High voltage maintenance on VCB.
  • High voltage maintenance precautions and how you do lock out.
  • High voltage NER
  • High voltage- PI and DAR difference
  • Hogging and sagging
  • How 500 v generated in Megger form 9 V battery circuit diagram
  • How boiler steam pressure transmitters and steam pressure switch works? And what is its role in the boiler steam controller?
  • How can we know in case of fire in the bulk carrier cargo hold?
  • How can we say the thermistor is a passive transducer?
  • How to check the integrity of VCB?
  • How a compressor is getting cut in & cut off
  • How DCP extinguishes fire
  • How does the thermostat work?
  • How do we eliminate harmonics?
  • How do you calibrate portable O2 ANALYSER?
  • How do you calibrate sensors on-board?
  • How do you change the battery for PMS?
  • How do you test 15ppm alarm, who will provide 15 ppm liquid?
  • How does a viscometer (viscotherm) works?
  • How does the calibrator work?
  • How does working pressure switches?
  • How DP is acting and formula for viscosity
  • How fire alarm sensors connected to the hyper-mist system? Explain with the figure?
  • How hyper mist gets activated
  • How insulation and continuity of a long cable be measured?
  • How is the boiler water controller works? Name of this controller.
  • How is fire extinguished in cargo holds of container ships?
  • How is turbocharger rpm measured in the main engine? Is there a proximity sensor present?
  • How low-level Hydraulic tank level can be tested, without touching the float?
  • How many alarms are there in the AC plant?
  • How many certificates in MLC
  • How many chemical suits are present and where
  • How many types of excitation are there?
  • How many types of boiler?
  • How many types of fire Sensors there functions.
  • How many types of starter, explain soft starter with input & output voltage waveform
  • How megger will check and working principle
  • How motor works principle and what is dc motor types of dc and ac motors
  • How much current flows in case of earth fault? If the maximum current is allowed to flow, why breakers do not trip.
  • How much data store in VDR
  • How much DC voltage we need to supply for the exciter field?
  • How much voltage in the ignition transformer in the boiler and incinerator?
  • How should stand by generator coming on load how it.
  • How steering gear phase failure alarm working.
  • How still motor run in single phasing and effects
  • How synchronous motor stars
  • How the kW load shared by the governor
  • How to calibrate the Boiler DP transmitter?
  • How to calibrate DP Switch
  • How to carry out me over speed trip and settings
  • How to change the setting from harbor mode to sea mode
  • How to check boiler float gauge water level alarm, high level, and low level?
  • How to check defective motors
  • How to check diodes using what instrument how to practically do it, in forward n reverse bias if a diode shows 10 mega ohms resistance in forward-bias, how is the diode condition?
  • How to check the insulation of a cable.
  • How to check navigation light alarm
  • How to check the o2 analyzer device.
  • How to check PCB is faulty or good and also no spare part available so you have to find the fault and repair?
  • How to check the integrity of the cable
  • How to check the under-voltage coil
  • How to choose wire? What are the points to be told?
  • How to control the speed of motors.
  • How to discharge - charge stored in closing spring in ACB While maintenance?
  • How to identify motor terminals and then make it Delta connection
  • How to improve residual magnetism
  • How to increase the speed of the motor by keeping V/F constant in VFD
  • How to isolate and test breaker in High Voltage
  • How to measure rotor resistance
  • How to operate the boiler manually? Not by manually firing-but in emergency?
  • How to order Battery, and the difference between cell and battery
  • How to reduce static electricity in the cargo discharge line.
  • How to run a 3 phase motor on single phase supply? And how to run 1 phase motor on 3 phase supply?
  • How to simulate 24V lighting without doing blackout.
  • How to start a synchronous motor?
  • How to test diode and IGBT?
  • How to test HV tester
  • How to check the engine room crane brake?
  • How u will produce low and high alarm with the help of DP transmitter.
  • How we increase the insulation of long wire on deck
  • How we rack out VCB
  • How we will adjust the pressure switch of hydrophore
  • How will you discard a lead-acid battery?
  • How will you do a continuity test of the transformer?
  • How will you drop life raft if you are alone on board?

Related Read Part 2

Related Read Part 3

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  1. Can u advise how much sea time is required to give coc examination for eto.


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